Thank God for good friends who include me in their feeding programs. :)
A Picture A Day
here is me taking it one (sometimes more) photo at a time.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Feeding Program
Monday, June 4, 2012
Them who got away
The thing about work is, sometimes you cannot help but get attached. I am talking about people, your work in general or your accounts.
The thing about getting attached to people is, they leave. People you are closest to, whom you have this amazing work chemistry and that you are familiarly fond of leaves at some point. Or you leave them. And when they do, they leave a huge hole that is so hard to fill. If it can at all be filled.
Today may be the last time I will see Pao and Jeri. Well, more Pao than Jeri because Jeri will just be at Adora Greenbelt. But Pao, he will be leaving the country and will only be back in the next three years.
On Pao's last day, he made me cry. He wrote me this amazingly profound and heartfelt letter.
Pao was this wonderful person who has been so easy to work with. He was smart, precise, fast and he gets me. He compliments me in ways I never thought possible. One of my best media launches was with him, and we got 137 media attendees!
Out of work, Pao is objective when I cannot be objective. He tells me things upfront, no holds barred. He is loyal and he is a good friend.
Such bond is something I hope I will be able to find soon, with the new set of AEs coming in.
The thing about getting attached to people is, they leave. People you are closest to, whom you have this amazing work chemistry and that you are familiarly fond of leaves at some point. Or you leave them. And when they do, they leave a huge hole that is so hard to fill. If it can at all be filled.
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Pao, Jeri, Christine and Edwin |
Today may be the last time I will see Pao and Jeri. Well, more Pao than Jeri because Jeri will just be at Adora Greenbelt. But Pao, he will be leaving the country and will only be back in the next three years.
On Pao's last day, he made me cry. He wrote me this amazingly profound and heartfelt letter.
Pao was this wonderful person who has been so easy to work with. He was smart, precise, fast and he gets me. He compliments me in ways I never thought possible. One of my best media launches was with him, and we got 137 media attendees!
Out of work, Pao is objective when I cannot be objective. He tells me things upfront, no holds barred. He is loyal and he is a good friend.
Such bond is something I hope I will be able to find soon, with the new set of AEs coming in.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Up North on a Whim...
It has been a pretty interesting weekend. I mean, room mate is the last person to drive anywhere on a whim, so, it was such a pleasant surprise that he agreed to do this!
With kiddo and two sisters-in-law, we went up the wonderful, beautiful city of pines and then had an absolutely amazing lunch at Thunderbird Resort's Fiesta Casino and Restaurant the following day. The weather was absolutely wonderful, bright and sunny. I wish we had more time.
Closing Time
Sometimes, it feels you have just reached the end of your strings. That before, you used to let go of things because you just want the person to be in your life, no ifs and buts. But in any relationship--be it friendship, professional or romantic, there will be a point when you just have to let go, that you are not so blinded anymore and that you refuse to give so many chances you end up being the perennial doormat.
Today, I might have reached that. Maybe this is what I need. Yes, I suppose this is what I need. My questions will never be answered. My needs will never be met.
So, why do I even bother?
Maybe you have reached it too.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Nesting 101
One thing I haven’t written about in the blog is where we are currently living. So let me start.
Last year, a few months after summer, there were a few changes in our family life. It has been one of the most strenuous, interesting and moving (literally and figuratively) phase, which will and has probably made dents and marks here and there, leading to where we are now—a place (not so much) of our own.
It was pretty hard at first. No I mean, up to now, really really hard. There were a lot of pinching and crunching here and there. But slowly, and thank God for a lot of unaccounted for blessings and surprises, we were able to get the basic things we need, carpet included.
Living on your own has a lot of dis and advantages. Let me enumerate them, well, all that I can remember now.
The DIS-advantages:
1. Paying the bills—all of it –for someone who’s been living with her family for most of her life, and well, the roommate’s parent’s for the last 3 years, paying the bills is the last thing we were asked to do. There were some bills but those were minor. Now that we moved to our first home, and you have to buy everything, you feel the little pinches here and there. But hey, it’s a small price to pay for freedom.
2. For emergency, you rely on yourself. And only your self—last year,I underwent appendectomy. My tummy was aching for a few days already, but I opted to ignore it. I even continued my fitness ritual and went around meeting people that Sunday. The Monday after, when I finally decided there might be a tiny bit wrong, I was asked to just stay in the hospital and have an operation. And there were days when I stayed in the hospital alone, which I did not mind at all. I had good friends who visited me every now and then and some I would have wanted to visit but did not try that hard (you know who you people are—but I forgive you. Everytime.), but most of the time, save the time my dad (who is quite frequently there), I was alone. And you know me, I now love me time.
3. Eating may or may not be communal—for someone who thrives in communal eating, living on your own may entail occasional solo eating. And cooking for oneself—which most often translates to just munching on carrots/fruits/ cucumbers and other raw items on the fridge.
4. TV becomes your BFF. Or torrents. Or DVDs. If all else fail, there is always the internet. And work.
5. You do everything by yourself. Yes, you can have a help or two but when it comes to macro, you do it alone.
The advantages
1. The first advantage of living on your own is of course, the freedom. Emotional, physical, freedom in all its forms—for someone who lived with her family forever, freedom and privacy is a something that is of utmost importance. There are no in-laws to consider, no other queens, no other rules—just yours and your roommate’s. Sometimes roommates can be overbearing too, but, still, that’s just one person.
2. Another advantage of living on your own is, you get to plan, prepare and execute a diet, no matter how weird. Simply put, since you are doing your own groceries, you get to choose what goes inside the cart. You can throw a party and you can feed people jelly beans and no one will care. Seriously.
3. Living on your own entails (and will train you to be more) discipline(d). With your combined incomes, you more or less know the cash flow on a monthly basis. So, you start to learn about budgeting and seriously sticking to it.
4. Living on your own makes the other people you used to live with miss you. Sort of. Or at least it makes you indifferent to what they think about you.
5. Finally, living on your own makes you a little more respected. It doesn’t matter that there are still times when money is not as fluid. Or you cannot cook, period. Or you still fight like babies. In front of all the other people that matters, you are grown ups, you are independent and you get respected accordingly. ##
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Summer is gone.
Today marks the end of my more than a week-long vacation. This is honestly one of the most fun I have had since the room mate and I got together and started visiting the in-laws. I have honestly never looked forward to the vacation this much.
For six glorious days, I was able to go to the beach, swim and jog in the morning without a care. Oh it was simply heaven. If only I can do this for the rest of my life. Maybe I can. Or I will. In time.
It was so much fun to jog almost every morning near the beach, although the first time I did it, on a black Friday, I had a dog encounter. There was this huge dog who went to me, kept on barking. I thought I would die then. It was also fun to have such a walking distance access to the beach! Now i kninda know why people want to live here.
For six glorious days, I was able to go to the beach, swim and jog in the morning without a care. Oh it was simply heaven. If only I can do this for the rest of my life. Maybe I can. Or I will. In time.
It was so much fun to jog almost every morning near the beach, although the first time I did it, on a black Friday, I had a dog encounter. There was this huge dog who went to me, kept on barking. I thought I would die then. It was also fun to have such a walking distance access to the beach! Now i kninda know why people want to live here.
One of the best experiences this vacation is Vigan. I have never been there and before the trip, I made room mate promise to take me. And he did, together with his family, we all went on a Saturday. Vigan was exactly what I imagined. Maybe more commercialized, but as beautiful and as preserved.
There were buildings that can use refurbishing though. But it was all interesting, surreal at times but beautiful. The cobblestone walk, the stone buildings, the beautiful sound of the kalesa and the horses--it was like walking in some period film.
There were of course a lot of local delicacies and food like the bagnet, longanissa which room mate love and which we kinda hoarded ;), local crafts and more!
On the way to and from Vigan, left and right were tobacco plantations. Roommate, being the agri person that he used to be, explained that if the tobacco plant has a flower, it is used by farmers to store seeds.
After Vigan, we dropped by Baluarte, which is really a zoo with a yellow submarine. The animals can freely roam around the place, even the ostrich! There were sheet land ponies, llama, camels! There were also butterflies and snakes and tortoise!
Ilocos was quite a long trip, but I must say, totally worth it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The 100-day photo challenge
Skimming through an acquaintance blog and i saw this. I am therefore challenging myself to do the same. I will start tomorrow.
The 100-day photo challenge
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 08 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of someone you do the craziest things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of your favorite store
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of the sexiest Woman alive
Day 19 - A picture of something you love to do.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you never leave the house without
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of someone you miss
Day 25 - A picture of you from last year
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of your favorite night
Day 28 - A picture of your favorite place in the world
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of your favorite quote
Day 31 - A picture of food you made
Day 32 - A picture of what you did today
Day 33 - A picture of somewhere you went today
Day 34 - A picture of your favorite morning
Day 35 - A picture of your hometown
Day 36 - A picture of your pet
Day 37 - A picture taken at school
Day 38 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 40 - A picture of your friends
Day 41 - A picture of your favorite weather
Day 42 - A picture of you listening to music
Day 43 - A picture of you celebrating
Day 44 - A picture that describes your life
Day 45 - A picture of your favorite cartoon character
Day 46 - A picture that you edited
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite animal
Day 48 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 49 - A picture of you and your best friend(s)
Day 50 - A picture of yourself
Day 51 - A picture of you wearing sunglasses
Day 52 - A picture of you dressed up
Day 53 - A picture of you in a car
Day 54 - A picture of you on your last vacation
Day 55 - A picture of you with a date
Day 56 - A picture of you all bundled up
Day 57 - A picture of you in your backyard
Day 58 - A picture of your hair all done
Day 59 - A picture of you at prom
Day 60 - A picture of you at a sports game
Day 61 - A picture of you in the fall
Day 62 - A picture of you on a ride
Day 63 - A picture of luggage
Day 64 - A picture of you at work
Day 65 - A picture of you at a park
Day 66 - A picture of you in the air
Day 66 - A picture of you doing something childish
Day 67 - A picture of you falling
Day 68 - A picture of you outside
Day 69 - A picture of a crazy night out
Day 70 - A picture of someone you don’t go a day without talking to
Day 71 - A picture of you with people you work with
Day 72 - A picture of you with unbelievable scenery
Day 73 - A picture of you somewhere warm
Day 74 - A picture taken professionally
Day 75 - A picture of you receiving a reward
Day 76 - A picture of you drinking something
Day 77 - A picture of you and friends making silly faces
Day 78 - A picture of you in the dark
Day 79 - A picture of you in the water
Day 80 - A picture of you and someone you love being silly
Day 81 - A picture of you with a character
Day 82 - A picture of someone you love asleep
Day 83 - A picture of you and a teammate
Day 84 - A picture of a school project
Day 85 - A picture of your favorite holiday
Day 86 - A picture of someone who helps you with school
Day 87 - A picture of someone you grew up with
Day 88 - A picture of your dream car
Day 89 - A picture of you at a hotel
Day 90 - A picture of you wearing your favorite color
Day 91 - A picture of you and your friends playing a game
Day 92 - A picture of your school
Day 93 - A picture of your favorite board game
Day 94 - A picture of you and your friends eating
Day 95 - A picture of you on a plane
Day 96 - A picture of your favorite movie
Day 97 - A picture of something you no longer have
Day 98 - A picture of you and your friends out somewhere
Day 99 - A picture that was first on your facebook.
Day 100 - A picture of you smiling
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 08 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of someone you do the craziest things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of your favorite store
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of the sexiest Woman alive
Day 19 - A picture of something you love to do.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you never leave the house without
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of someone you miss
Day 25 - A picture of you from last year
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of your favorite night
Day 28 - A picture of your favorite place in the world
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of your favorite quote
Day 31 - A picture of food you made
Day 32 - A picture of what you did today
Day 33 - A picture of somewhere you went today
Day 34 - A picture of your favorite morning
Day 35 - A picture of your hometown
Day 36 - A picture of your pet
Day 37 - A picture taken at school
Day 38 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 40 - A picture of your friends
Day 41 - A picture of your favorite weather
Day 42 - A picture of you listening to music
Day 43 - A picture of you celebrating
Day 44 - A picture that describes your life
Day 45 - A picture of your favorite cartoon character
Day 46 - A picture that you edited
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite animal
Day 48 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 49 - A picture of you and your best friend(s)
Day 50 - A picture of yourself
Day 51 - A picture of you wearing sunglasses
Day 52 - A picture of you dressed up
Day 53 - A picture of you in a car
Day 54 - A picture of you on your last vacation
Day 55 - A picture of you with a date
Day 56 - A picture of you all bundled up
Day 57 - A picture of you in your backyard
Day 58 - A picture of your hair all done
Day 59 - A picture of you at prom
Day 60 - A picture of you at a sports game
Day 61 - A picture of you in the fall
Day 62 - A picture of you on a ride
Day 63 - A picture of luggage
Day 64 - A picture of you at work
Day 65 - A picture of you at a park
Day 66 - A picture of you in the air
Day 66 - A picture of you doing something childish
Day 67 - A picture of you falling
Day 68 - A picture of you outside
Day 69 - A picture of a crazy night out
Day 70 - A picture of someone you don’t go a day without talking to
Day 71 - A picture of you with people you work with
Day 72 - A picture of you with unbelievable scenery
Day 73 - A picture of you somewhere warm
Day 74 - A picture taken professionally
Day 75 - A picture of you receiving a reward
Day 76 - A picture of you drinking something
Day 77 - A picture of you and friends making silly faces
Day 78 - A picture of you in the dark
Day 79 - A picture of you in the water
Day 80 - A picture of you and someone you love being silly
Day 81 - A picture of you with a character
Day 82 - A picture of someone you love asleep
Day 83 - A picture of you and a teammate
Day 84 - A picture of a school project
Day 85 - A picture of your favorite holiday
Day 86 - A picture of someone who helps you with school
Day 87 - A picture of someone you grew up with
Day 88 - A picture of your dream car
Day 89 - A picture of you at a hotel
Day 90 - A picture of you wearing your favorite color
Day 91 - A picture of you and your friends playing a game
Day 92 - A picture of your school
Day 93 - A picture of your favorite board game
Day 94 - A picture of you and your friends eating
Day 95 - A picture of you on a plane
Day 96 - A picture of your favorite movie
Day 97 - A picture of something you no longer have
Day 98 - A picture of you and your friends out somewhere
Day 99 - A picture that was first on your facebook.
Day 100 - A picture of you smiling
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