Friday, April 22, 2011

Lenten Feasting (and lazying around)

What's left of the second batch of lasagna. yum yum yum! 

Yes, this is what we had today. Basically, the appetizer. We had so much food it did not feel like its Lent. I'm so full with mangoes and potatoes and cheese I can explode anytime. Lenten what, you say?

I really should have gone to the province. Maybe (definitely) next year when kiddo's bigger.

The pigs are not quite alright

In fact, i don't even feel like going back. Bad bad bad sausage. One of the worst I've ever had in a while. And this used to be my favorite place when I was working in this side of town. 

Oh how fast preference changes. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Random Thursday

Its not always that I get the chance to really go out and do fantastic things that I very much like, such as taking photos of  seemingly ordinary things and oh, walking aimlessly amidst a sea of indifferent people. 

And so, because I had that unusual chance last Thursday (after what seemed to be the longest work day ever), I must show the photos randomly taken. Thank God for point and shoot and photoshop, they all look a bit decent :) 

Can you sing... "Cloooosing time..."

"Closing time..time for you to go out to places you will be from.."

"I know who I want to take me home.."

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."

So, MIAS, I went there for this and for another brand which will not be named.
If you know me, you'll find my loyalty amusing. 

Can I take this home?  

So, finally we meet...