Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy 2011!

December came and went and I was not able to post a SINGLE thing. Busy consumed me much last month--most of it running around shopping for gifts! I actually do not like cramming shopping and wrapping but because I tried to pick the best gifts, I had to cram the latter part of my shopping and most of my wrapping!

Tell me, how do you let go of an "old" friend? 

So, new year.  I finally got my Starbucks planner a day before the new year, thanks to a couple of friends who willingly allowed themselves to be dragged into drinking the same blend over and over when with me. But granted this new one is so pretty (V-E-L-V-E-T!) and so nice to touch, the old one has been a very good friend the past year. It is now perfectly imperfect, totally overused with some of the pages folded, various color of pen scribbles and the edges shows signs of having fallen off. A lot of times. It has been like an old friend and I am having a hard time letting it go.

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